Book Review

Book Review: FREAK STREET meet the Werewolfsons


What about:

This book is about a family of werewolves that lives a life among humans and other creatures. The Werewolfsons have an amazing adventure and plots. The Werewolfsons have a family of 5 and 1 pet. There are different books with different families of creatures but the same series.


My thoughts:

I really think the plots and story are good because the fluency is good and it’s easy to read. This book is really funny with the pictures and text because there is a lot of jokes and puns. I think this book is for a young age.


What i found good about this book:

The fluency is good and the quality of the pictures are really great. The characters are funny and have a purpose. This book is not a series of events. All around i think people should check it out.Image result for Freak Street meet the werewolfsons

Feedback x5 questions Sphero racing

1.Explain how we design/built the chariots? We build a thin base/body then added wheels at the back and a cup at front for the Sphero.

2.Whats the difference between yours and the winners chariot? Their chariot is a good weight balance and ours is not also theirs is thinner and longer.

3.Would you do it again and why? Yes because we know what to do differently and its fun

4.Will we ever use the skill we learnt again and why? Yes because we might do it again in the future and we can teach others too.

5.Did we connect with our community in a meaning full way? Explain your answer. Yes because they maybe do it too with a little bit more experience.


5×5 aliteration

1.Soar went the speediest Sphero speeding in South Australia

2.Commentators commenting about chariots crashing and cheering

3.Gryffindor grazing Green Machine  in the great grand race

4.Zoom zoom zoom went the zebra coloured Sphero zooming

5.This is Kip I am Kip Kip Kip Kip!!!!!!

Rhyming Scheme A B C B

A. BANG!!! the cars took off

B. the yellow car is in first place

C. He’ll have to drive fast

B. if he wants to win the race
A. red car bashed into yellow car

B. yellow car fell into last and said die!

C.and red car won the race

B. everyone started to cry

Free Verse

What is a place with 5 lane roads? Philippines!

What is a place where traffic is common? Philippines!

What is a place with people? Philippines!

What is a place with giant malls? Philippines!

What is a place with good food? Philippines!

What is a place where you can have fun? Philippines!